'A Sense of place' is a project exploring the idea of place and what it means? It reveals how places can develop strong identities and culture, which are felt deeply in lokal people.
What are my strengths as a visual artist?
What techniques and media do I find naturally appealing?
Do I like to work with choose media?
Does my work have narrative content?
Am I interested in conceptual art?
What do I like to drawn?
Do I enjoy it?
Do I work slowly and methodically, or quickly and impulsively?
What matters to me when I make art?
- What artist do I love?
Criterion A Skills, Techniques and Processes
EXPERIMENT refers to the development of skills and the use of materials across the required art making forms. Consistent with intentions means that it is purposeful rather than random exploration. Assured and sustained experimentation.
Criterion B Critical Investigation
INVESTIGATE specifically refers to investigation of artists, works, art forms. It includes both the investigation itself and the consideration of how this relates to/influences/guides the students work. How have my investigations impacted my artwork?
Criterion C Communication of Ideas and Intentions
COMMUNICATE developing and communicating ideas and intentions, both visually and verbally. How have my ideas developed through experimentation with techniques, materials and ideas?
Criterion D Reviewing, Reflecting, Refining
REFLECT means to develop a growing an artistic self awareness and the ability to self reflect, analyze and review own development. How have I developed as an artist?
Criterion E Presentation and Subject Specific Language
PRESENT refers to the overall presentation, clear and legible, visually engaging, with appropriate art vocabulary used throghout.
ACTIVITY 6.10: Post-visit reflection I CURATING AND PRESENTING I Artist and audience
TIP: Primary sources, such as an interview with an artist or curator, are highly recommended as resources for your CS
Use your visual journal to reflect on the exhibition and your personal response to the work encountered.
What was the most interesting thing about this show (e.g.how it was curated, the space, themes addressed, individual artists)?
Did you especially like or dislike some work? Explain why, using subject-specific art language.
Where there any themes, ideas or materials that you are exploring in your studio work or that you’d like to try out?
Include plenty of images, photos, drawings and graphic notes, as well as written content; make the pages lively and visually interesting. Make sure you acknowledge your sources.