Stwórz alegoryczny autoportret. Za pomocą odpowiednio dobranych przedmiotów codziennego użytku wyraź w nim cechy swojej osobowości, a także pasje i zainteresowania. Wykorzystaj gamę kolorystyczną wybranego przez ciebie dzieła z epoki realizmu. Zacznij od szybkich szkiców w szkicowniku. Opisz dzieło i wykonaj paletę kolorów z wybranego przez ciebie obrazu.
Wybierz portret wykonany przez artystę z epoki realizmu z pośród twórców przedstawionych na zajęciach. W szkicowniku wklej portret w kolorze i opisz dzieło w 100 słowach. Jakie ma wymiary i gdzie można go znaleźć? Jaką techniką został wykonany obraz i przez kogo? Co przedstawia obraz i jakie kolory zostały użyte? Jakie budzi w tobie uczucia? Co mówi nam tytuł obrazu? Co możemy powiedzieć o autorze dzieła i jego relacji z dziełem? Jaki wpływ na powstanie dzieła mogły mieć czasy w których żył? Dlaczego wybrałeś ten obraz?
ANDREW SALGADO, 'It's not about love', 2012
Massive scale portrait painted with oil on canvas. First what enchain my attention was dark background of the portrait. The colors were used in very symbolic way.
Background is very dark and taking three-quartrers of the image so portrait looks nostalgic, dramatic and mysterious. It might symbolize night or dark nature human. Also it looks like man on the portrait is surrounded by emptiness.
Red color on his face, especially on left eye show strong connection between his life experience and work. His painting work was a direct response to the acts of violence. We can also assume that this survival of accident of his criminal who just hurt his victim.
Title is clearly says that subject matter isn't about love, so maybe something opposite. Like pain or anger.
Image presents man in dramatic pose. That man is not standing in front of us but only turning face on us. It have impact on our subcounscious because his eyes looking on us with keenness. Like reading in our minds. He looks confident and calm. With blood on face should be angry or upset. It is apathy.
Andrew Salgado was painting portraits of male, presenting brutality and sadness. Through the content he might ask the viewer to consider problem of aggression in our society.
ANDREW SALGADO, 'Fracture', 2012
I have chosen this picture i found is very interesting. Traditional subject matter like portrait have been refresh with using distortion. A contemporary idea of using new substance and abstraction make that portrait looks unreal.
This is another big scale painting on which Salgado was using own self as a model. Massive portrait have to overweight a viewer, make them feel small and attract attention to details.
Most of Salgado artworks has engaged a dialogue of sexuality, identity and understanding of own self and others. His art make impact on own subcounscious, creating in mind questions. Force us to reflection about who we are?
The technical aspects the painting like color, shape and composition present him as a confident and talented painter. He is using aggressive brush strokes of bright paint. Many colors arranged like a puzzle in one composition, creating almost three-dimensional image. Distortion still letting us sees a realistic face.
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compare and contrast |
Students will compare and contrast an academic and an Impressionist portrait through a writing exercise and discussion. Each student will then write a formal commission letter to one of the artists, requesting a portrait. |
portrait global context |
part face |
own techniques |
draw planes of the face over magazine images |